Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.

Had curry instant noodles before heading back to AMK-ITE to collect the remaining class funds around 2pm. Long rides bus journey again~ Was on the way to staff lobby to look for Ben and bumped onto Seng Kiat, lol! Anyway I ordered new contact lenses with Kelly and sis ^_^ Weeee~ Can't wait for it to arrives :D 

Today visuals below~

 Took picture at home before heading to AMK -ITE. 
Dreamcatcher necklace ^_^ I have 2 of it, one in pink and another in baby blue :)Very nice but I'm selling it off~ 
After collecting, headed back home straight and went to pick baby cousin in the evening. I asked baby cousin to smile at the camera and she pointed at her cheek~SO CUTEEE!! <3

She brings this pillow to childcare everyday~
Baby cousin has been rather cranky and she likes to bite me now...Literally everyday she tries to bite me :/ I don't know why... maybe she is teething or I always disturb her... Sad girl is me :'(

 Ipad is her love~ 

Till then, X.

Friday, February 22, 2013

One more day to USS!

Spent the entire day at home. Woke up around 8plus by sunny pill's sms. Bought prata for brunch and took a nap for 2hours. Went to pick baby cousin in the evening and uncle bought dinner back for us as aunt needs to do OT today. Met Gerald around 9plus to collect our USS tickets! Gracia and I went to bought bottle drinks, snacks and bread for tomorrow! So excited!! Hopefully the weather would be chilling and cloudy tomorrow :) 

Here are some backdated pictures from my phone - Not in order though. 
 Baby cousin, you light up my world like no one else <3
 Still learning how to twist, hehe cute pie :D 
The top picture was taken when she was smiling happily after I shared my snack with her and the top picture was taken when she was pooping in her pamper. HAHHAHAH~
Went to pick her in the evening from her new childcare :) 
 Took this picture early in the morning before sending her to childcare,sleepy face :D 
Back from childcare and munching on honey stars ^.^ This is how she smiles when I asked her to using front camera.
 Hugging her bolster ~ 
 Taken this picture around Jan in KKH. 
In aunt's car to Whitesands for dinner~ 
 My awesome dinner! Fav laksa and BBQ chicken wings plus ice green tea,prefect combo! 
Digging my bag, naughty gal~ 
Taken these 2 picture just now as I was packing my bag for USS, she took out whatever I put in my bag -.-