Had curry instant noodles before heading back to AMK-ITE to collect the remaining class funds around 2pm. Long rides bus journey again~ Was on the way to staff lobby to look for Ben and bumped onto Seng Kiat, lol! Anyway I ordered new contact lenses with Kelly and sis ^_^ Weeee~ Can't wait for it to arrives :D
Today visuals below~
Took picture at home before heading to AMK -ITE.
Dreamcatcher necklace ^_^ I have 2 of it, one in pink and another in baby blue :)Very nice but I'm selling it off~
After collecting, headed back home straight and went to pick baby cousin in the evening. I asked baby cousin to smile at the camera and she pointed at her cheek~SO CUTEEE!! <3
She brings this pillow to childcare everyday~
Baby cousin has been rather cranky and she likes to bite me now...Literally everyday she tries to bite me :/ I don't know why... maybe she is teething or I always disturb her... Sad girl is me :'(
Ipad is her love~
Till then, X.