Friday, January 31, 2014

Chinese New Year Day 1

Woke very early today, 7am! Was feeling happy and excited to meet my cousins and xiao enen! :B

How I spent my CNY day 1? I should just list them down as my pictures are in order :C

First stop: Uncle's place at Admiralty > gambling ( I won $4) > steamboat for brunch.

Second stop: Aunt drove us to a relative house nearby Causeway point for visiting.

Third stop: Back to Admiralty to drop by second aunt's place for visiting > mac to buy nuggets and fries > gamble at aunt's place (I didn't gamble but played with little cousins instead).

Fourth stop: Went to met D and storm for awhile and bai nai with his relatives. Was freaking embarrassing, ahhh hate to be in awkward situation. 

Fifth stop: Gathered under dayi's house downstairs > home sweet home. 

 Oh my little ballerina! <3
Whatttt? I can't hear you, please talk to my muscles instead!~  
 Haiya, I think my hairband block my ears la. Lai, now I can hear you better already :D 
 Uncle Pooh with xiao enen sticking her fingers, LOL. 
 My baby cousin wore a floral cotton type Qi Pao, damn sexy y'know! Especially when she needs to cross over a drain, she opens her leg so big and her side slits are damn yi ge sexy lor. 
 See, still can pose like a mei nu for me with her shades on! Haha, hen mei la!
 How can I not take a picture of myself on CNY day 1? Hahaha, more selca belowww~ 
 Gambling at Uncle's place before brunch. 
 Them having another round of gambling at second aunt's place~ 
Took this picture at one of the relative's house! She refused to sit on the sofa and she was actually walking on the sofa instead :Z 
Then she got tired of walking her runway on the sofa and decided to lie down on it now. 

Little cousins and I at second aunt's place while cousins, sis and aunts gambling away~ 

Look at my dao baby cousin with her twist. Lol! 

Cousins X mummy :D

 Steamboat brunch at uncle's place, love eating abalone ^>^

 Look at her, she walked till her dress got pulled up by the ball and she didn't realised it at all. Still carry the ball happily walking around my second aunt's place. HAHHAHA~ 

 Bought this Meiji yogurt drink from Admiralty 7-11 before taking bus over to meet D. It tasted exactly like Yakult but since less thick. 

 Its been a few months since I last saw her and her hair is so long compared to last time. 

So after the brunch, they continued gambling but I was kinda sian so I came out of the house and went to took selca :B

Okay, so I'm donewith my CNY Day 1 post and next post will be up soon :B 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinese New Year Eve

Yesterday after CDS lesson ended early at 10.30 am instead of 11 am, I headed home. Came back to school after for my Macro lecture from 4-6pm but i decided to leave the lecture hall after 1 hour of lecture. Decided not to go back to school anymore and skipped today's 2 hours lecture of POM as well.

Woke up at 9plus and changed my bedsheet as well as doing some last minutes spring cleaning before leaving home at 12plus to meet D for brunch at Causeway point.After brunch at ljs I wanted to go find Storm but she wasn't at home :C Off to Bedok for reunion dinner at sis's bf place :B  Reach sis's bf house around 5plus and stayed till 9pm before making our way back home~

Pictures taken at sis's bf place :B 
 My naughty pie is learning how to stand now! <3

 She likes my phone casing alot, teehee :> She likes because of the studssssss. Lol!! 

 Wearing one of my taobao new shirt :D 
Are you looking at me? Hahahaha :D
Can't wait to see her tomorrow morning again at uncle's place!! 
Here is our reunion dinner prepared by sis :)

Us munching while Zl is looking after xiao enen ~

The happy eaters in da house~

While eating halfway, Zl carried xiao enen over to the dining table with towel wrapped around her head. HAHAHAH, so funny little pie :D 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Printed my withdrawal form.

Had Macro tutorial for the first lesson of the day, freaking hate this module. Headed for brunch at Mensa and had my usual order again :B Jap bento; Deep Fried salmon with fried chicken ^.^ Just printed my withdrawal form and I'm gonna fill it up soon after informing my care person - Mr Gan as I need to inform him under one part of the withdrawal condition. Going for Marketing tutorial soon, one last group to present their "Promotion" and my Japanese Lecture is cancelled. Meaning I can go home early instead of 7pm. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Last lap of school.

Have been trying to use my free time in school to update my blog. It would be mostly probably my last time of being a student this year. It frightens me to think about my future but school frightens & tears me apart more. To me, family & friendship used to be a sensitive topics. Never did I know, school is also a sensitive topic now.

I have been thinking since months ago about this before making a decision. I ranted alot about school on twitter. How it tears me apart, the never ending projects,tests etc...

They are always never ending, I hate it especially when it is weekend and I have to burn it on school stuff. Monday to Friday are already doing school stuff, Why can't weekend we rest?

Those stressful nights & days, struggling with exams etc... I do not want to go through all that again.

I have come to a point that I no longer want to be a student anymore. But since this is the last lap,  I will do my very best to finish this lap beautiful except for Macro.

I can't wait for the day to be truly happy.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Break time in school.

First tutorial for the day is the module I hate the most - Macro! @#$%#%  After that, since we have 2 hours of break, we decided to go Design School canteen for our brunch.

Had Chicken cutlet for brunch ^.^  Going for Marketing tutorial at 1pm. Today  Marketing tutorial will be presentation for my classmates as we were the first group to present few week ago~