Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mom's birthday celebration.

Woke up at 10am despite I slept at 2am last night. Since boredom is killin' me now so I though of uploading overdue pictures of mom's birthday celebration.

Pictures of myself with mom's bouquet first, haha~ 

This above picture is from my IG account. 

 On the way to Bugis....

 Mom and lil baby cousin~ 
 Baby cousin was pretty bored....
Cousin playing Temple Run~ 
 Mom <3333

 Sis bought mom's birthday cake and when I saw it, I told her 'I thought da gu bought this for Christmas?' LOL. It's the exact same cake. 
 Having Steamboat Dinner at Bugis~ 
 Sis and carrot behind me, keke~ 
After pigging out, I'm the first to get my Ice-Cream :D 

Below are pictures of baby cousin when we are on our way back to home (aunt's place). 

 Looking happily talking away~

 And before she knows, aunt put her handkerchief on top of her head, so cutesyyyy~ 
 Still happy :D 
'Do I look great?' :DDD 

 Happy Chinese New Year Eve everybody~ 

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