Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What a day.

I forgot my phone password :((( Damn, I never like to put password security for my phone as I knew that I'm a forgetful person, all because of my classmates :<

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Family day at grandma's place.

Aunt came at 9odd to picked me up and we headed to grandma's place. Uncle's wife whipped up some dishes as our brunch and one dish consists abalone^^ Hehehe. Played with cousins and we had mango pudding which was made by aunt and Gracia. Went to aunt's place afterwards as she wants me to look after the little ones. Reach back home around 9pm. I'm dreading of Monday to arrive :< I've class test & piles of worksheets not done yet... Sigh. First thing I hate is Sunday nights and the second thing I hate is Monday.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Revision day out.

Met classmates in the evening around 7odd at Chong Pang CC. ZH was the first to reach as he stays nearby while I'm the second and Eena is the last. Wasn't a productive revision session as we kept talking....Went to Mac to grab a bite and I had Apple Pie. Its been a long time since I last ate Apple Pie. Hehe. Reach back home around 11odd. Going to grandma's place tomorrow with aunt and cousins. Yesh, get to see my lil baby cousin! :D

Friday, February 24, 2012


Past three days I've been meeting classmate for revision together. NorthPoint Starbucks > Chong Pang drive through Mac > CC nearby my house last night and went to get finger food from the night market. Reach back home nearly 11pm. Dead beat. Woke up late for school today cus I knew that the first period is more like a free & easy period hence I woke up at 7.30am when first lesson starts at 8am. Mainly I overslept because there's class test during the first period and I didn't revised it. After lesson today cass and I went have our brunch at school nearby coffee house.

 Had this for brunch but cass and I didn't managed to finish it.
Got this from Fair Price while getting Sushi for my aunt :))) 
I used to drink this very often back in secondary school days.
 Aunt's sushi.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Days with grandma.

*Warning: Below are the pictures I took during grandma's funeral, if you feel uncomfortable browsing, do click on the X.
Waiting for the workers to set up.
 The workers took quite fast to get it done like around 2hours of building and hammering.
Brother's friends.

Our dinner.
From aunt's workplace and grandma's insurance policy. 
Remember I mentioned in my earlier post than mom collapsed? Yea, this is the pic.
On the last night we have ritual going on so we had to wear a pair of socks each and  it was raining that night so most of us ended us with wet socks. We hung our socks as we need to wear them the next morning which is the last day of the funeral.
 On the last day we had peanut porridge for breakfast before setting off and this is my uncle getting porridge for us.
The only picture of myself because nobody is free or have the mood to help me take picture. LOL. Asked Graica to help me take this picture.

Cousins having their peanut porridge.

After sending grandma off we had this for lunch.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7months old baby cousin.

Took this video while staying over at aunt's place last week. She knows how to sit already, so cutesy~

 Look, my happy baby cousin :)))
I've uploaded some overdue pictures in the below posts, do scroll down and take a look if you wish :)


Woke up late for school as I kept snoozed my alarm clock. Dad drove me to station in the morning. We attended a Recruitment Talk by SATS and our classmates were actively participated in the Quiz so they won a mini bear each while zh won himself a 20 bucks worth of cash voucher. Met zh in the evening for revision at Northpoint - Starbucks. Bought Laksa back for dinner, keke. 

Had egg prata in during break time^^
 Chocolate Chip with cream :)))

Monday, February 20, 2012

Typical Monday.

Back to school. Every Monday school is a drag. Had class test and amazingly I passed it. All correct as I don't have the notes teacher gave last week. As usual we had wanton mee every Monday for brunch in school canteen. Didn't bring S&W attire today so during S&W period we just sat down and did nothing. Tomorrow we have class test again as per usual, stressed out week.

Pictures of baby cousin below :)

 She is holding to the baby teether that I bought for her :D

 Everything also want to put inside her mouth, even my phone.
 *Caught in action*
 Nom nomz.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

7th day.

Yesterday I woke up at noon 12pm as I'm freaking dead beat. Took a 3hours of nap around 4pm. Aunt went to grandma's place around 9pm to get them the needed prayer stuff as tonight after 12am grandma's soul is coming back.

Today we woke up as early as 8am and prepared to go grandma's place for prayer. Cousin baby kept farting in the early morning and once directly at me. Geez. Reached grandma's place nearly 10am. Prayed and had our brunch with the food we prayed to grandma. Anyway grandma came back last night.... Helped out with the folding of prayer stuff and went back home around 3pm. Heavy bag :< I have class test everyday for this coming week. Wish me goodluck, gonna be a goner for all these upcoming class tests :/

Friday, February 17, 2012

The last day.

Slept at 1am and woke up at 8am. Grabbed waffle for breakfast and off to grandma's place. Had some porridge, shared with my cousin as I ate waffle already. Things started around 11 odd. Walked one big round with our socks on only. Boarded the bus and off to temple. Back to grandma's place and had our lunch before heading up to change into home clothes. Went back to aunt's place nearly 4pm. This week is indeed a tough week for all of us.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The last night.

Second post for the day. Waking up as early as 6am is no joke. Our group as usually is always the first to present the ppt slides and I'm the first speaker of our group so I was rather nervous and soft...what's more I'm not well prepared with my speech hence I'm lacking of confident. Oh well, overall our lecturer commented that our slides were well done. Thereafter we had TPS and CAH lesson. School ended around 11.30am and I headed back to aunt's place. Bought Chicken chop for brunch and took three hours of nap before going off to grandma's place. In evening there is ritual going on till nearly 11pm. Had bee hoon for supper. Reach back aunt's place around 12.15am. Most cousins stayed over night at grandma's place tonight, I wanted too but aunt is staying hence I need to accompany Gracia so I didnt stay overnight. Lil baby cousin stays over at her infant care teacher's place tonight. I miss her.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back with school.

Back to school today with swollen and reddy eyes (due to excessive rubbing) as we have presentation. Yesterday morning mom fainted due to over upsetting.... In the evening I went back to pick lil baby cousin from Infant Care with uncle and cousin then back to aunt's place showered and headed to grandma's place after that. Had curry chicken for dinner. Finally I had a proper meal as I've not been eating a proper meal since Monday. Left grandma's place around 11 and headed to aunt's place to overnight. I didn't memorizing my speech for today's presentation so I'll just read everything out from the cue card itself, hopefully i wont get tongue tied. Really hate my eyes today :<

I've lost track of time which date did I took the pictures in my phone albums so I'm uploading them into different posts with the mixtures of pictures taken on different day. 

 Cute pie on the bed^^
 Look @ the way she crossed her legs? hahahha~
 Turned over and still holding onto her handerchief~
 Why is your expression so shocked huh? :O
 Smiley baby :)
 Her favorite bolster.
Till then, xx.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It's the second day and I hope everyone has sorted out their emotions...Overnight at grandma's last night and turned in nearly 2am with lil brother while aunts, sis and mom were at downstairs. Woke up around 6am and went down to help out till 10. Came back to grandma's house and took 3hours of nap before going down to help out again. Accompanied uncle and Gracia in the evening to pick lil baby cousin up from the Infant Care and back to grandma's place again.

With cousin boy :)
 His  school work! Would you like to engage him as your hairstylist? Hahahaha~
 Milk time.
 I ate cousin Qian Ying's strawberries, this is one of it.  Keke~
 My breakfast I bought from the nearby coffee house and had it at the wake.
Back to aunt's place in the evening to pick baby cousin. Oopsy, she keeps turning here and there so Gracia holds on to her cheeks :DDD Baby cousin looks so stone here, ahahaha~
 Playing with her handkerchief.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I miss you, g'm :'((((

My heart sank deep down and emotions were screwed up. I remembered vividly, this feeling of lost when i first experienced was during primary 6.

Dear God, since you have decieded to free her from all these illness, please let her be happy wherever she is now. Beloved, G'M.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Remember how close we used to be, I miss that a lot.

Met classmates in the afternoon at AMK for revision. We went to the library and settled down at a sofa and started chatting and done alittle revision in between. Went to the park nearby for a strolled before we went off for dinner. We had our dinner at the nearby S-11 coffee house as Eena recommended us the western food. She says that the portion is rather generous and filling so we went to gave it a try and indeed the portion is really big. After dinner headed back home. Was very grumpy after dinner as I didn't take a nap the whole day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.

Wednesday evening was a productive day for me as I revised for my class test and managed to squeezed out some time to update my blog with some overdue pictures. Today I gave school a miss as there is no lesson. It's a big walk day at Bishan Park for our campus. Gonna order some online loots later on! I have already added items in my cart already, heheheh.

Cousin whatsapp-ed me this of lil baby cousin video few weeks ago, so cutesy~ :D

Overdue pic: Taken when shopping with classmates.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy week ahead.

Here are the overdue pictures. I'm aware that my blog is pretty much dead with just wordy posts as I didn't get to use lappy nowadays due to school has been draining me out. I can't wait for this month to be over as soon as possible yet afraid of March to arrive as I've my final exam on March....Well, I've to go now. Class test tomorrow again :< 

I miss lil baby cousin :'(((