Tuesday, February 14, 2012


It's the second day and I hope everyone has sorted out their emotions...Overnight at grandma's last night and turned in nearly 2am with lil brother while aunts, sis and mom were at downstairs. Woke up around 6am and went down to help out till 10. Came back to grandma's house and took 3hours of nap before going down to help out again. Accompanied uncle and Gracia in the evening to pick lil baby cousin up from the Infant Care and back to grandma's place again.

With cousin boy :)
 His  school work! Would you like to engage him as your hairstylist? Hahahaha~
 Milk time.
 I ate cousin Qian Ying's strawberries, this is one of it.  Keke~
 My breakfast I bought from the nearby coffee house and had it at the wake.
Back to aunt's place in the evening to pick baby cousin. Oopsy, she keeps turning here and there so Gracia holds on to her cheeks :DDD Baby cousin looks so stone here, ahahaha~
 Playing with her handkerchief.

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