Thursday, March 8, 2012

The last day of year 1 Higher Nitec and singing session with classmates.

Finally, year 1 Higher Nitec has come to an ending point. The last paper today was TPS, not manageable to me at all. SVE and HRA papers were not manageable as well. Kinda screwed up all my papers :/ Pray for the best and God will do the best. Lil bro was having high fever last night and I can't really concentrate on my revision for today's paper. I only slept for 2.5hours last night. Had spaghetti for brunch at home and met classmates for singing session at SSC. I was late:/ Our first time singing together was fun! Camwhored and had our dinner at Kungfu paradise. Got myself a Chicken Cutlet Burger instead of a meal as I'm still bloated with Gongcha milk tea I asked classmate to buy for me earlier on before I reach SSC while Eena had Maggi mee dish and baked rice for Zh. Had Waffles Ice Cream next and at the end of the day our tummy nearly exploded! Reached home around 11odd. What a long day for us. 

Eena and I^^
 So coincidence that both of us are wearing cardigan from Cotton On!

 I've no idea why did I captured such random picture.

 Credit to Zh.

 Hahahah, duet song~
I've no idea what I'm laughing about, I guess it's related to Eena saying something and she multi-tasked to capture this.

 Opening the films to take instant peekture. I know the way I sat was hella unglam.

 Done putting the films in^^
 Back to singing~

 Brought my love out today! It's been awhile since I last brought it out ever since CNY!
 Hi Eena :D

Looking at Eena's hand posture I think I should be the one posing like that on my above picture as my baby hair is so annoying ugly.

 Sorry zh, my hand is short :< Please squeeze in next time to be in the frame.

 Here we are at the Splash Park~
 Would you marry me? HAHAHAH~ I've no idea what is Zh talking at that moment tho...
 Tried to get a jump shot...
 appearantly #failed.
 Group snap :)

 At Kungfu Paradisefor dinner.

 This is my Chicken Cutlet burger for dinner.
 Eena's share. Didn't take a pic of zh's share as he ordered Baked Rice and it took awhile before it arrives.
Ice cream waffle :D
Till then.

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