Friday, June 1, 2012


Skipped last lesson yesterday as I can't be bothered to go for the Fairmount Recruiting Talk and I went to met Jiayin at Causeway Point after I came back to shower. We went to Marsiling bought some stuff and had our brunch there. Today we had POM class test from units 1-6. I got 31/50... It was actually not a satisfying grade though. Exam on next Wednesday, sigh.. Can't wait for POM exam to be over and I'm free from exam. Anyway today 2 classmates of mine are supposed to meet our invited external speakers for our upcoming exam at the speaker's shop but due to another classmate got urgent matters to attend, I accompanied Zh to go instead. He whatsapp-ed me at 2pm and we met 3pm, it was so rush for me though. Reached home around 5odd, dead beat.

Yesterday's pictures and GIF^^
On bus.

 My brunch :)
 Spotted this car at Causeway Point level 1.

Today's pictures and GIF.
Japanese Bento for brunch.
 Beancurd from Bishan Interchange coffee house.
We headed down to the speaker's shop and the speaker's treated us Sogurt^^ Told her about our upcoming camp stuff and other relevant stuff before going back home.

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