Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Suddenly have the urge to tell you how i really feel about you.

We don't have to attend school today as lecturers cancelled lessons for the day. But I was still very busy with stuff. Last night my korea trip lecturer suddenly Whatsapped me that I've to renew my passport as my passport picture was taken when i was young so the immigration might not grants me to pass the entry. Woke up as early as 8am to call up ICA building and enquired about how long do i have to wait if i were to renew my passport today and they say that i can collect on next Tuesday so I went down to ICA building and get it done. Off to Causeway Point to meet classmates though I was late :/ Headed off to Check Point - Sheng Siong to get the needed stuff for camp and dad came over to pick us up. Thankfully he was free today otherwise the shopping bags are enough to kill the three of us as the drinks are freaking heavy. Stored the stuff at dad's place and dad drove us to Eena's house as we need to wrap presents. Took a nap from 7pm to 10pm, dead beat. 

 Cassandra's mom gave Eena and I one Siew Mai, bao and fried scrimp for breakfast, so kind of her mom! Thank you :)

 Eena took this when I was messaging my dad, lol. 
 Wrapping present in progress~ 

 More than 20 presents wrapped. 
 Off to SSC for lunch at Just Acia and shopped at Daiso after wrapping the presents.
Bought these all for $4.50.
 I need a lot of pens especially exam period and these kind of pens would work well for me.

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