Thursday, July 12, 2012

One presentation down.

Woke up early in the morning and I missed 5buses. It was so packed that the bus driver didn't even bothered to stop too. Oh well, I went to school with extremely heavy school bag today cus we have EOP (our camp) ppt presentation so I brought laptop, laptop's charger, mouse, speakers, clothes for presentation to school. After POM lesson, we headed quickly to canteen for our brunch - prawn noodles on every Thursday is a must!! Then off to get changed and get ready for our presentation. It was in the lab so we had to project our voice loud and clear. We played the camp videos and most of our classmates had a good laugh over it. I guess most of them enjoyed the video^^ Was supposed to go for CPF tour afterwards at 1plus but we decided to skip it as my school bag and laptop are burden for the day if I were to go. Came back home and showered then met Jiayin at NP for lunch at Subway. Roamed around and I bought hair accessories for myself and lil baby cousin :D

 Jellies :D 
 Lunch <3

 We bought same hair clip and clipped it on our hair, teehee :> 

 Photo from her phone. 

Cooked spaghetti at night for dinner and did my ENT project editing. There's POM class test tomorrow and I didn't revised a single bit. I didn't even nap today.... So tired now. I shall turn in early tonight.

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