Wednesday, September 12, 2012

F1 training

Woke up as early as 9am to shower and prepare. Met Cass at Promenade Station as we are having F1 training today at the Singapore Pit Building. We were kinda lost at first as we couldn't find the right way but managed to find it in the end. Upon reaching, there is also another school mate just arrived...since we are 15mins earlier we went to the nearby coffeehouse to rest our feet. Back to the meeting point and we were all escorted to a tenant with air-con build it. We sat there for nearly 2hours, 1hour for briefing and another hour for free&easy time.We were then divided into groups and thankfully I'm with cass else I will be a loner :/ Teehee :>

Outside of the air-con tenant there is snack machine so we went out to buy these two packs of snack.
 A close up of Sg Flyers.
 All of us were given a map of the Circuit Park Map. (pardon for my laziness of rotating it)
 What the 'Suite Rooms' get to see~ 
These are where all the suit located at, companies can book the suite for the Directors or CEO of the company. 
 The price of the suite is $8000 per ticket with air con and 5stars hotel services.  
 Gardens By The Bay. 

Next the F1 staff brought us to all us around to be familiar with all the 4zones. I'm located at the zone 3. Wish that I'm at the idol performing zone as Jay Chou, Kate Perry, Maroon and another idol will be performing on these 3 days :/

 The idol performing stage is at the back of those coaches... 
The black stage is where all the stars idol will be performing. 
Our lecturers bought us drinks and the briefing ending nearly 6pm. Our feet are all aching and the weather is so sunny today :/ Reach back home nearly 7pm.

Bought dinner before coming back home^^ Fav nomzxz. 

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