Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Trip to AMK ITE and Career fair at CCK.

Few weeks ago, we had a chance to go to our new campus at AMK for a tour followed by going ITE- CCK Campus for the Career Fair. In our new campus, there are still many renovation that are currently still on going but we get to tour outside of those classroom, indoor hall, swimming pool etc. It is really huge with real leaves planted all over at the level one and install with automatic water dispenser for the leave. 

 This is us in our Bishan Campus waiting for our slowpoke coach to arrives~
 Sat alone on the bus^^

 With Eena :)

This is the career fair and we applied for jobs at MBS, Sentosa Leisure and USS. But none of the company called us up yet though :/
Till then, xoxo.

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