Monday, January 7, 2013

First day at AMK campus.

My last day of work should be on 5 Jan - Saturday but was helping Fenny to cover her shift so my last day of work is on Sunday instead. Worked from 5-10pm with Huimin at Fitting Room. Bought supper back from mac and sis is staying over here at aunt place from now onward  After supper, i continued doing my project work till 1.30am before I turn in. 

Overdue pictures taken at work. 
 Brought snack and hot dog bun to work to munch on during break time. 
 During the sale period, our store room stocks almost cleared! 
 Another day when I cooked spaghetti to work. 
 This is the drink and snack vending machine which I often buy snacks and iced drinks ^^ 
I brought my charger to work every time I report for work and charged there before knocking off as long rides train journey is no longer boring with Iphone. 


Today morning sis's alarm clock has been ringing so loudly that actually woke me up even before my alarm clock rings. Prepared and off to new ITE campus. Took bus 12 and changed to bus 88 which added up to 1.5 hour journey time. 

The KouFu foodcourt and Fairprice are soooo crowded! However the KouFu student prices meals are very cheap!! Gonna try all the food soon :D

Sushi at FairPrice :D 
 Yellow stands for Business School so this is our lift color.
 At level one roaming around~ 
This picture revealed where I'm working at! 
After school, classmates and I went to Orchard to had our lunch at KFC before heading to collect our pay and tadaaa~ $$$$
This picture shown a clearer picture of the retail shop I'm working at :D Yes, Mangoooo~ 

Started working in Mango on 13 November till 6 January, not a long period but still enjoyable. Met new friends like Annie, Hui Min, Jie Ying, Kelly and Bobby~ They are all younger than us. I think we are probably the oldest part timers over there. Fenny is sort of our mentor as she taught us many stuff. Journey with Mango ends here. January pay we can only collect on Feb so meaning Feb we still have to go all the way down to collect. 

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