Friday, January 11, 2013

I want you to be happy, but I want you to be happy with me.

TGIF! After lessons ended for the day, Cass and I stay back for brunch at KouFu Foodcourt before going back home! :D 
This Chicken Chop cost $2.50 and the portion is kinda small but the sauce used is awesomely tasty and delicious but not full enough D:
 Second round of Chicken Chop is Dim Xin ^.^ Mine is the one with fried prawn dumpling :)  
Took 2hours of nap before aunt and cousins came back home. Woke up and home cooked dinner is ready, yumyum~
 The nerdy baby cousin in the house <3 

Put Gracia's hairband on her and she knows that I'm front camera to take a picture of her so she smiled :D 

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