Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Save my soul.

Last weekends I was working for a beverage programme~ Coffee, tea and children Ice Tea from New Zealand! The work location is so near to aunt's house, weee ^^ Going out to meet Cass later for shopping as Poly is going to starts soon... an excuse to shop for more clothing! Before meeting her I need to go WhiteSands to buy stamps and mail out 3 parcels while one consists of portable charger and another 2 small trial sized perfumes :D Finally dyed my hair to black yesterday noon. And I will be meeting a few sellers today cus I bought a wallet & 2 tops! 

On Saturday aunt woke up early to cook breakfast and lunch for me^^ 
 Morning I ate Fried eggs with ABC soup plus rice and my lunch prawn fried rice ~ :) 
 After work I bought waffles as dinner, niceee :) 
 Bought seaweed fish rings too :D 
Work needed items. 
 Hot pipping bun from Barcook Bakery :D 
 Cooked fish balls plus crab sticks noodles yesterday for lunch! 
And these people are washing our block as it is time for re-paint! Gave me a shock when I saw them hanging outside of my windows :O 
Aunt brought xbb for hair trim on weekend, mad nerdy but I love it!! 

Time for me to prepare and head out soon, tadaaa! 

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