Monday, October 21, 2013

First day in school after one month holiday.

First lecture for today is F&b, it was a torture!! I went to school with an empty stomach and forgot to bring snack to school with me :< Because the lecture powerpoint slides pictures were all food and beverage! My stomach was growling non stop :C And when I entered the lecture hall, one of my guy classmate called me " da jie", I was like "omg, you siao huhhhhh?" in my mind. HAHAHAH, he was like so sudden and random! Oh well,but the fact is I'm the oldest girl in our class, lady's age is a secret now :C Hate to grow up :/ 

 F&B lecture ended at 10plus instead of 11am so classmates and I went to had our brunch. 
 My favourite $2 chicken spaghetti in Business school canteen :D I missed this during our 1 month school holiday! 
 Aunt bought me slippers yesterday as my old slippers are way too slippery on raining days! Thank you <3 But this new slippers straps are hurting my feet :C

Reached home around 12plus. Took a nap and had maggie mee with seaweed that J gave me for lunch before preparing to go school again for my CDS Understanding Culture lecture from 6-7pm. But I left home slightly earlier as I'm meeting Jw to print Friday's lecture notes. 


Thank god, Cass and I choose same CDS and we are in the same lecture hall but different tutorial class :/ We're classmates again, hahahha but sigh, I hate making new friends. My tutorial class I need to make new friends and later on form group for project :/ I'm always an awkward turtle D:

 Halfway through the lecture, cass asked me if i want sweet and she passed me one of it and I'm like " Heyyy, I got the same sweet too" but in Melon flavor!! HAHAH :D 
Btw this sweet is J bought it for me. LOL. 
Quickly took out my phone while on the way to bus stop and snapped a picture of us :D 

Tomorrow I only need to go for Japanese Lecture from 6-7pm ALONE. I feel like dying :C My classmate also choose Japanese but our lecturers are different so I need to make new friends again in my tutorial class. Kill me please :X The older I get, the more I'm afraid to make new friends. Meh :Z

Wish me all the best for tomorrow lecture!! :X

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