Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to buy cheap USS tickets

This was how I managed to get cheap Universal Studio Singapore tickets/ Express tickets/ Meal vouchers/ Retail vouchers online! 

I spent $62.50 for the following: 

 2 adults admission tickets
2 Express tickets ( for 5 main rides - one time usage only)
$20 Retail vouchers 
$80 Meal vouchers 

Bought all these vouchers from 3 different online sellers. 

First seller: She is selling as an package because she wants to renewal her Resort World membership. The package she offers to me consist of:
2 admission tickets 
2 express tickets
$5 meal vouchers X2
$5 Retail vouchers X2
the best is yet to come....
additional TAKA $20 vouchers!! 

Total amount spent: $130.00

Second seller: Gotten the above blue USS meal vouchers $5 X 6 ($30) at $20 and additional $0.50 for normal postage.

Total amount spent: $20.50
Third seller: Was supposed to buy $40 meal vouchers from her at $25 but she was also looking for TAKA voucher so I asked her if I could partially trade with her and top up with cash.  I traded my $20 TAKA vouchers with topping of additional $7 for the meal vouchers that are worth $40. She also gave me $5 X2 retail vouchers as it is going to expiry soon on 30 September. Hehe, thanks!!

$50 worth of vouchers for $27 only!! What a steal right!! :D

Total amount spent: ($20 TAKA vouchers) $7 cash. 


Our entry and express tickets :D
Retail vouchers $5 X 4 
Meal vouchers worth up to $80. 
$5 meal vouchers X 8
$10 meal vouchers X 4
Since it was monsoon season so we didn't get to use our express tickets as it was drizzling and no queue! I sold the unused express tickets online for $45 and deal at my house area! :D

In total, I sold meal vouchers for $50 and express tickets for $45. In another words, I gotten back $95 of my money! Thus, all the expenses spent for uss trip for entry tickets and 2 meals cost: 

$157.50 - $50 - $45 = $62.50!! 

Tips to USS! 

If you are planning to go USS, avoid going on Public Holiday and Weekend ( especially Saturdays). One of my friend working there told me that Sunday actually has lesser crowds so go on Sunday if you want to go weekend! :D 

And btw, the Red and Blue rides are closed for maintenance~ I emailed Resort World before I went USS to confirm which are the rides that were closed as my friend working there told me to check with RWS haha~ Not sure when will it be reopen again though as they didn't tell me in the email!

Plan well, look out for cheap tickets and go enjoy!~ 
I bet you will enjoy as much as we do ♡

Ps// I looked out for these cheap deals 1 month in advance before the date I'm going. 

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