Monday, September 22, 2014

New flat x ranting x Laksa x friend

Feeling so stressed at working. Have been learning new job scope from another colleague since last Friday... but I still have not get a hang of it yet. I can't concentrate on the new job scope because my current D/O sorting are not done yet.

Then I have to divide myself into two, helping two colleagues with different tasks.

My current job scope seems to need another 2 weeks before I can finish it, that is to say if no one keep pestering me to help them with their work 

Today was my second time attending meeting and was so shocked by the news of my supervisor is resigning soon 

I feel so poor thing for him  he is a very kind person. He even brought a pot of plan from home to office just because my colleague says she wants it. Imagine with no cars, crowded trains in the morning and the packed crowds yet u still have to carry a pot of plan?  so kind uh him 

Human should always think the good side of a person unless you are a judge then bo pian, your job to think both sides 

Sibling, aunt and cousins plus mummy went to over new flat again. This is little cousin munching on my snacks with her legs wide open 

The window panels at living room! I have not yet visit our new flat yet cus I'm not as excited as my mummy 

Asked my friend to go clinic and help me buy my face cream and I requested for Laksa for dinner! So sinful but it has been a long while since I last ate. Ordered extra big with more chili. Shiok 

This is my face cream. Costed $30 for this small bottle 

My colleague came back from Malaysia and she bought this butter crackers for us! So yummy

Another colleague came back from China and bought us these sweet treats 

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