Saturday, September 22, 2012

F1 Day 2

Woke up around 10 odd and prepared to head out for Day 2 at F1. Our group always meet together at station before heading to entry together... I was the last to reach yesterday but thankfully I'm still on time.

Thereafter we headed to our gate 3 for entry, scanned our passes & got our bags checked. Set up our booth and walked around selling & tending booth as usual.
Our store room behind our booth.

During evening, upon having our dinner for 1hour, we had break 30mins break time do I dragged cass again to Zone 4 just in time to catch the Formula One Qualifying round however  after watching the race the queues to come back to Zone 3 is insanely crowded & narrow.

Stood here on the viewing platform to see the race~

This is the inner scene,whereby one staff/worker gets to see... I saw our next booth First Aid worker went over to see so I also went along. LOL.
 The one with bandage all over the head is the Car Marshal. 

Work ended around 11pm > walked all the way to zone 4 for the nearest MRT station at City hall and that took us around 40mins to reach the station. Crazy crowds! Gave Maroon 5 a miss today as we were too tired to rush over to Padang to catch their performance. Reach Pasir Ris around 12odd and managed to catch bus 358 back to aunt's place. Showered > waited for hair dry > turn in around 2am.

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