Sunday, September 23, 2012

F1 Day 3

Woke up around 9.30am > showered > took bus to Pasir Ris > bought Sausage Roll from Polar & puff > met Cass @ Esplanade but she was late so the leader & some team mates went off first while other leader waited with me.

Upon reaching as usual, the sun is melting us. Can't stand the heat so we went to slack at the Staff area, thank God for the aircon in there.

Eating my seaweed at the back of the booth (store room), hahahha~ 

During snack time, we had Blueberry Muffins, quite nice^^
Grabbed our dinner @ 5pm and realized that it is the same dishes as yesterday/the day before. But still I'm very hungry so I ate finish the rice & chicken except the soggy longbeans with apple & a cup of hot milo to complete my dinner. 

Oh yes, today a guy tagged with us when we went around selling today as nobody wants him to join them in our group. Lol!

 People are rushing over to our zone to watch the race, lol. 
Watched the Grand Race for nearly 20mins & had a good time watching the firework when the race ended! This is where I stand to watch the race as Cass is too tired to go over to zone 4 to watch so we stayed at our zone. 
 Beautiful fireworks :D 

Katy Perry on stage^^

 Us with our passes~ 
 Lecturer dropped us our zone and bought us chilled drinks, thanks^^ 

Packed up at 10.30 and rushed our way to Zone 4 for Kate Perry performance! As usual, the crowds to zone 4 are always insanely crowded. Caught Kate Perry performance for nearly 30mins!! She asked if anyone wants to go on stage but needs to take off his shirt & a guy went up w/o his shirt on & Kate Perry kissed him & the guy gets to kiss her too.

Caught the last train back to aunt's place & bought otah as supper. Showered > bathe > turn in before 2am.

Here are the pictures taken on these past few days~

 With the earplugs on, vroom vroom!! 
 On the way back home after a long day of standing & sweating. 

 Us tending booth^^ 
Till then!

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