Sunday, February 2, 2014

CNY day 3

Last night mummy informed me that today we are going to visit grandma's sister at Hougang. Met mummy and aunts at grandma's sister place. Little cousins tagged along too~ But they were kinda bored there so I lent them my phone to play games. 

Pictures of the day~ 

While waiting for aunts and little cousins to get prepared, I took selca to kill time. 
At grandma's sister place~ 

We two tried to take a kiss shot of kissing cheeky baby but her reaction was too fast!!! >.<
Baby cousin likes eating so she eats everywhere she goes. 
Baby cousin truing to be cheeky, trying to pull her lower eyelid down~ :Z
While the adults were chatting in the house, we took self-timer photo outside the lift lobby :B
A selca of Gracia but cousin boy photo bombed her~
Them playing catching under the block~ 

Baby cousin wearing her pink Qi Pao today~ Love children wearing Qi Pao, teehee :>
Aunt and baby cousin going off somewhere so Gracia and I went to sis's bf place for our lunch since they are having steamboat again! :D 

One of my aunt's stuffed plushies -piggy in her car! She is a hardcore piggy lover~ She've like more than 5 piggy plushies in her car but vary in sizes. 

Baby cousin was kinda bored with the car journey to sis's bf place so she took my red packet, opened it and rid my red packet. 
Here holding onto the red packet $$$.
She rid the red packet and throw it in her hat. LOL!!
She likes smelling new notes~ 
At sis's bf place for lunch~
Gracia used my phone to snap selca, haha~
Selca #2
After our lunch, we stayed for awhile before heading off to Tampines for Lion Men movie! :D 

Waited for D to reach and 3 of us headed to catch Lion Men show at Golden Village. Headed back home after watching. Can't wait for Lion Men part 2!! 

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